The MCP or Mode Control Panel is located on the Glare shield and connected to the ICS system. This is a part of the cockpit, the crew will use to communicate with, and control of the Automatic Flight Director system (AFDS), and at the time of the various phases of a flight.
The MCP has the switches and buttons to see the different autopilots for pitch, roll and axis modes of ‘poor’, or to activate it.
The MCP also provides the ability to configure the CDU/FMC to cancel it or manually with a heading, speed or altitude to choose from.
Manual Mode
When the engines running, all systems on the aircraft and is operational and ready to flight, then the plane to manual control, i.e. manually, using the ‘Trottles ‘ and ‘Flight Controls’.
None of the auto or semi-automatic systems are in use. At this stage, there is as yet no use is made of the MCP.
Selection Mode
When you activate the autopilot, autotrottle, and the flight director, that is, the MCP is in operation, and set it to a lower level.
In the manual you should be responsible for the direction and speed control of the yoke and the throttles. Now, these tasks have been taken over by the MCP. The speed, direction, altitude, and vertical speed can be controlled through the appropriate settings, which you are doing in the MCP.
Managed Mode
This is the highest level of control, which can be accessed via the MCP. The functions of LNAV and VNAV, that are also activated in this area, in co-operation with the CDU/FMC.
It is therefore necessary to have an active flight plan in the CDU/FMC.
Together with the CDU/FMC and the MCP is in full flight and managed in terms of fuel consumption, navigation, speed, climb, and descend to the landing strip of an airport.
The MCP from CPFlight is doing his job as a real Boeing 737 MCP. Are a ‘must-have’ item in the cockpit!
- A Full-scale replica, or on a Boeing 737 MODE CONTROL PANEL
- The Type ‘Direct’
- Custom Engravity backlighting frontplate.
- Backlight color: Warm white.
- Displays: Altitude, Vertical Speed, Heading, Speed, Left and Right on the Course.
- Display characteristics: LED 7 segments. Digit height: 0,3" (7,6 mm).
- Display: color: yellow.
- The 6 encoders to set: Altitude, Heading, Speed, Vertical Speed, respectively, Left and Right Course.
- Encoders characteristics: Half million cycle rated, 32 to increment for rotation (with detent).
- Knobs: with symbols on course (both), heading, and altitude knobs.
- Toggle switch for Auto Throttle ARM switch with Green LED indication.
- Toggle switches for Left and Right Flight Director with “MA” green LED indication.
- Disengage the bar.
- N1, SPEED, LVL CHG, VNAV, LNAV, VOR LOC, APP, HDG SEL ALT HLD, V/S, CMDA, CMDB, CWSA and CWSB dual dot lighting buttons)
- C/O, Speed and Alt Intervention round buttons.
- External or internal display brightness regulation.
- External or internal backlight brightness regulation.
- Central unit for daisy-chained connection of Efis selector (Captain and F/O), Mip and radios
- The 16-bit Flash micro-controller.
- A DIN 5 pole socket for plug&play CPflight modules interface.
- USB port (USB cable provided).
- Compatible with all the FS default aircraft, ProSim737, Project Magenta, PMDG, LVLD767, FlighDeckSoftware and Sim-Avionics.
*** Download WHY are Manual ***
All of the buttons on my MCP, I have replaced with detailed replicas as the real world Honeywell MCP can be found.
The buttons are located on the CPFlight B737-EL WHY there seem to be definitely not the real version. The buttons are just simply buttons that are found in every electronics shop you can find.
Until that is found, also, Jacob Wiqvist from Swedenknobs.se). It is like a hobby to experiment for yourself, and buttons for the MCP (and the others), but as a detailed replica of the real ones.
A whole process of development and afwerkingsproces this is the first place in order to be a good and a satisfactory result :
The buttons are created from a clear Epoxy, and that will be a long stoltijd need it. The drying takes up to 48 hours post-cure at room temperature for 14 days. This is in order to prevent air bubbles from forming. The buttons have since been painted in three coats.
- Developed process
- Developed process
- Developed process
- Developed process
- Developed process
- Developed process
- Take out from the form
- Gravel
- The Heat in the oven
- Applying The Primer
- Painting with white car paint
- Masking with great Accuracy
- Painted it with black car paint
- Remove the masking while the paint is wet
- The Heat in the oven
- The Mask with the wider tape
- Painting with either color, so the car's paint
- Remove the masking while the paint is wet
- The Heat in the oven
- 2k satin clear coat
- The Heat in the oven
After the order is placed, the buttons are in the same day, shipped and packaged well.
The replacement of the original knobs is very easy :
The old buttons in the shaft to be pulled out. You can also use a screwdriver and put it between the knob and the MCP panel to turn the dial on the shaft to lift.
Then it's just a new button on the shaft to slide and to rotate with the madebouten (Each button has 2 madebouten).
The result can be seen here. The replica-set buttons, by Jacob Wiqvist, are very nicely finished and very detailed.
The service was very good and very fast (the order does not meet the expectations or in case of damage, everything returns and a money back or a new shipment).
Due to this, the complicated and time-consuming production processes, these buttons are not cheap (99€ for a set). One downside is the price, but taking into account the production process, and the project is for the purchase to be justified.
For all users of the CP Flight-B737-EL WHY is it a little something extra to get the game back up to jack. For me it is a must ! >>>>>> Knobs.se
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