B737 MCP Honeywell style knobs
All of the buttons on my MCP, I have replaced by detailed replicas as the real world Honeywell MCP.
The buttons that are on the CPFlight B737 EL MCP, there seem to be absolutely not in the real versions. These buttons are just standard buttons found in every electronics shop you can find.
To that found also Jacob Wiqvist from Sweden (knobs.se). He is as a hobby experiment for yourself buttons for the MCP (and also others), but as detailed replicas of the real ones.
A very development - and afwerkingsproces is preceded this to be a good and a satisfactory result :
The buttons are made from clear Epoxy and a long stoltijd need. The drying takes up to 48 hours afterwards, a curing time at room temperature for 14 days. This is to prevent bubbles forming. The buttons are afterwards painted in three layers.
- Developed process
- Developed process
- Developed process
- Developed process
- Developed process
- Developed process
- Take out from the form
- Gravel
- Heat in oven
- Applying Primer
- Painting with white car paint
- Masking with great Accuracy
- Painting with black car paint
- Remove the masking while the paint is wet
- Heat in oven
- Mask with wider tape
- Painting with knob color, also car paint
- Remove the masking while the paint is wet
- Heat in oven
- 2 K satin clear coat
- Heat in oven
After the order the buttons are in the same day, sent and well packaged.
The replacement of the original buttons is very simple and easy :
The old knobs can be simply of the axis will be drawn. One can also take a screwdriver and put it between the button and the MCP panel to the button of the axis to elevators.
Then is it just the new button on the shaft to slide and to rotate with the madebouten (Each button has 2 madebouten).
The result may be seen. The replica buttons of Jacob Wiqvist are very nicely finished and very detailed.
The service is very good and fast (does the order do not meet the expectations or is damaged, please : all return and money back or new delivery).
By this complicated and time-consuming production process, these buttons are not cheap (99€ per set). A downside is the price but, taking into account the production process and the beautiful result is the purchase to justify.
For each user of the CP Flight B737 EL MCP, this is a little extra to the realism again what up to boost. For me a must ! >>>>>> Knobs.se
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