The left and right of the Lower Dimming Panels are the ‘vents’ or vents (tubes). These ventilation openings can for example also be found above the passenger seat in a bus or airliner.

It is used for cooling and ventilation.

Here is a photo from a real B737 (Thanks Ives to take the picture).

De echte versie

The real version









The ‘vents’ that I've made (Tip Henk Timmermans) are fake and can later be connected to a ventilation system.

The metal tubes I made of 2 brackets for curtain rods. You can buy in a Range in the Netherlands (Weert). The cross-section thereof is 28 mm and the metal has a STAINLESS steel color.

The inside pages I cut out of 2 plastic gootsteenfilters (GiFi) and the cap on top of a few afschermdopjes of 2 Rollerball pens. Afterwards, the interior painted in a black color. I have the 2 ‘Props’ in the tubes glued with superglue.

The lower plate (57 mm x 57 mm x 1 mm) is made of aluminium. After cutting, I took pictures with holes and then lightly sand with very fine sandpaper to get the matte effect. The screws for the confirmation chipboard screws (4 mm x 12 mm) in Boeinggrijs are painted.













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