The title of this website Flightdeck737 sounds to the casual visitor, unfamiliar.
The focus of this site is going to be the A Boeing 737-800. Not on the plane, but the cockpit of this aircraft.
.M. a.w. it is the intention through this site is a development to provide an the construction of a ‘self-made’ homecockpit (flightdeck of a Boeing 737-800 and this is a function with Prepar3D.
A project that will probably last for years it will take. Any part or aspect of the project will be in this blog as much as possible, to be explained. A detailed description of the various components, and a chronological sequence of the developments.
Be sure to insiders who are on the same wavelength, and that also have an interest in, in order to make this complex adventure, this web site is a real plus...
Welcome on board
Clement Stals
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